EQUS Deputy Director awarded Health Research Accelerator grant

Congratulations to EQUS Deputy Director Dr Sally Shrapnel for being named on two Health Research Accelerator grants.  These grants are awarded by The University of Queensland with the aim of increasing research capability to address the most pressing health and medical challenges and create economic opportunities.

Sally is the School of Maths and Physics lead on the Queensland Digital Health Centre program, which is co-led by Associate Professor Clair Sullivan from the Faculty of Medicine.  The Queensland Digital Health Centre will build our digital healthcare future.  It will become an enduring, world-class virtual facility with a self-sustaining group of high-quality researchers who will generate new research capability and capacity.  It also aims to accelerate the translation of research findings into clinical practice to deliver better health outcomes and a more responsive and sustainable healthcare system.

Sally is also one of four Chief Investigators from the School of Maths and Physics on the Operational Research and Decision Support for Prevention, Control and Elimination of Infectious Diseases program.  This program will harness advances in data science, digital health and information technology to develop innovative digital solutions and tools to combat infectious diseases.  By actively engaging with decision-makers from leading institutions in Australia and globally, it will ensure rapid translation of outcomes into clinical and public health policy and practice.

Major funding support

Australian Research Council

The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to Elders past and present.