EQUS Seminar Series: International Women's Day

EQUS Seminar Series

For the March seminar series, EQUS will be hosting a panel to mark International Women’s Day.  This theme for 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women.

Please note that this seminar won't be recorded. 

Title: Navigating research as a woman in quantum

The panel features women quantum physicists from research and industry to celebrate the achievements of women in our Centre and how we can continue to improve the representation of women in physics. It will be an interactive discussion on the various challenges, strategies that have been adopted to overcome them and the vision to make academia a better place for women identifying researchers.

This is an important topic, where women in our community cannot do this work alone without the support and championing of men as allies. We strongly encourage all Centre members to attend this seminar and show their support. Catering will be provided at each Node. Please contact your node professional for meeting room details and catering times. Please note that this session will NOT be recorded, and all are encouraged to attend their designated node meeting room in-person.

EQUS thanks the Women and Non-Binaries in EQUS (WNB EQUS) group for contributions and organisation towards this event. EQUS also acknowledges that while this forum will discuss gender equity specifically for women, we have members who identify as non-binary or gender diverse and their experience is also important to consider in any recommendations for equality.

Date: Tuesday 12th March

Time: 10:00am – 11:00pm AWST, 12:00pm -1:00pm AEST, 1:00pm- 2:00pm AEDT.

Format: Moderated panel discussion.



Associate Professor Sally Shrapnel

EQUS Deputy Director and University of Queensland Associate Professor


Sally Shrapnel is an Associate Professor in Physics and Deputy Director at EQUS, where she works on topics in Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Foundations. She is also a registered medical practitioner with over 20 years experience. Her research combines theory, methodology, and applications across a broad range of disciplines.

Lirande Pira

EQUS Research Affiliate and University of Technology Sydney PhD Student


Lirande is a PhD student at UTS researching the potential of quantum machine learning in developing better artificial intelligence. Prior to UTS Lirande, conducted research at research labs in Switzerland (CERN), France (LaBRI/CNRS), Jönköping University (Sweden), University of Milan (Italy) and University College London (UK).


Dr Nuiok Dicaire

Research Scientist, Q-CTRL


Nuiok is a research scientist in quantum control at Q-CTRL working to improve the accuracy and usefulness of quantum computers. Nuiok has completed studies in a mix of physics and mathematics at different Universities in Canada and the UK. 


Dr Angela Karanji

EQUS Research Affiliate and University of Sydney Research Fellow


Dr. Angela Karanjai is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Sydney working on the foundations of quantum theory. Angela obtained her PhD from the University of Sydney and a Masters degree from Imperial College, UK.


Major funding support

Australian Research Council

The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to Elders past and present.